Pulpotomies in Truckee

If your child keeps on complaining of a painful or sore tooth, a pulpotomy procedure may be necessary. Pulpotomy is a type of dental treatment used to treat decay in a tooth's pulp. At Truckee Pediatric Dentistry, our experienced and skilled team, led by Dr. Matthew Gustafsso, specializes in performing these important procedures.

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What is a pulpotomy?

A pulpotomy is a procedure that removes the diseased or damaged pulp tissue from the interior of a tooth. While this procedure can be performed on teeth of any age, it is most commonly used to save children's primary (baby) teeth.

If you think your child may need a pulpotomy, please call our office to schedule an appointment.

Pulpotomies in Truckee

What is a pulpotomy?

A pulpotomy is a procedure that removes the diseased or damaged pulp tissue from the interior of a tooth. While this procedure can be performed on teeth of any age, it is most commonly used to save children's primary (baby) teeth.

If you think your child may need a pulpotomy, please call our office to schedule an appointment.

Did you know…

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When decay extends into the pulp of a primary tooth, a pulpotomy should be the first step to save the tooth.

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The Benefits of Pulpotomies

Quick and Effective

Pulpotomies can be a quick and effective way to save a child's tooth. This less invasive procedure can be done in one office visit and usually does not require follow-up visits.

Prevents Severe Dental issues

Pulpotomies can also help prevent the need for more intensive dental procedures, such as root canals or extractions. The procedure can also save a tooth that would have required tooth extraction.

Affordable Treatment

Compared to root canals, our pulpotomy procedures are more cost-effective.

The Pulpotomy Treatment Process

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Oral Examination

The process begins with a comprehensive examination of your child's mouth, teeth, and gums. The oral examination aims to assess the mouth's health and identify any potential problems. Dr. Matthew will look for signs of gum disease and other oral health problems. They will also check for any foreign objects that may be lodged in your child's mouth.

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Your Truckee pediatric dentist will administer your child a local anesthetic to numb the tooth before the procedure. This is because a pulpotomy can be very tender and sensitive, and it is important to ensure your child is as comfortable as possible. The local anesthetic will typically last throughout the procedure, so you don't need to worry about your child experiencing pain.

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Decay and Pulp Removal

To drill and remove the decay, your dentist will use a special drill bit designed to remove the decay without damaging the healthy tooth tissue. The dentist will continue drilling to remove the pulp from the tooth's crown.

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The pulp is then replaced with a material such as an amalgam or composite resin, which seals off the tooth and prevents further decay.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Although a pulpotomy is considered a minor procedure, it can be uncomfortable for children. Luckily the area around the tooth will be numbed with an anesthetic before the procedure begins. During the procedure, your child may feel pressure on their tooth but should not feel any pain. After the procedure, your child may experience soreness in their mouth. With over-the-counter pain medication, they will feel comfortable after a while.

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